TwilioVoice Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in TwilioVoice.h


TwilioVoice is the entry point to the Twilio Voice SDK. You can register for VoIP push notifications, make outgoing Calls, receive Call invites and set audio device to use in a Call using this class.

CallKit Audio Session Handling

Other Methods


The current logging level used by the SDK.

@property (nonatomic, assign, class) TVOLogLevel logLevel


The default logging level is TVOLogLevelError. TwilioVoice and its components use NSLog internally.

See Also

Declared In



The TVOAudioDevice used to record and playback audio in a Call.

@property (class, nonatomic, strong, nonnull) id<TVOAudioDevice> audioDevice


If you wish to provide your own TVOAudioDevice then you must set it before performing any other actions with the SDK like connecting to a Call. It is also possible to change the device when you are no longer connected to any Calls and have destroyed all other SDK objects.

See Also

Declared In


+ sdkVersion

Returns the version of the SDK.

+ (nonnull NSString *)sdkVersion

Return Value

The version of the SDK.

Declared In


+ setLogLevel:module:

Sets the logging level for an individual module.

+ (void)setLogLevel:(TVOLogLevel)logLevel module:(TVOLogModule)module



The TVOLogLevel level to be used by the module.


The TVOLogModule for which the logging level is to be set.

Declared In


+ logLevelForModule:

Retrieve the log level for a specific module in the TwilioVoice SDK.

+ (TVOLogLevel)logLevelForModule:(TVOLogModule)module



The TVOLogModule for which the log level needs to be set.

Return Value

The current log level for the specified module.

Declared In


Managing VoIP Push Notifications

+ registerWithAccessToken:deviceToken:completion:

Registers for Twilio VoIP push notifications.

+ (void)registerWithAccessToken:(nonnull NSString *)accessToken deviceToken:(nonnull NSString *)deviceToken completion:(nullable void ( ^ ) ( NSError *__nullable error ))completion



Twilio Access Token.


The push registry token for Apple VoIP Service.


Callback block to receive the result of the registration.


Registering for push notifications is required to receive incoming call notification messages through Twilio’s infrastructure. Once successfully registered, the registered binding has a time-to-live(TTL) of 1 year. If the registered binding is inactive for 1 year it is deleted and push notifications to the registered identity will not succeed. However, whenever the registered binding is used to reach the registered identity the TTL is reset to 1 year. A successful registration will ensure that push notifications will arrive via the APNs for the lifetime of the registration device token provided by the APNs instance.

The identity provided in the Access Token may only contain alpha-numeric and underscore characters. Other characters, including spaces, will result in undefined behavior.

If the registration is successful the completion handler will contain a Null NSError. If the registration fails, the completion handler will have a nonnull NSError with UserInfo string describing the reason for failure.

Registration ErrorError CodeDescription
TVOErrorAccessTokenInvalidError 20101Twilio was unable to validate your Access Token
TVOErrorAccessTokenHeaderInvalidError 20102Invalid Access Token header
TVOErrorAccessTokenIssuerInvalidError 20103Invalid Access Token issuer or subject
TVOErrorAccessTokenExpiredError 20104Access Token has expired or expiration date is invalid
TVOErrorAccessTokenNotYetValidError 20105Access Token not yet valid
TVOErrorAccessTokenGrantsInvalidError 20106Invalid Access Token grants
TVOErrorExpirationTimeExceedsMaxTimeAllowedError 20157Expiration Time in the Access Token Exceeds Maximum Time Allowed
TVOErrorAccessForbiddenError 20403Forbidden. The account lacks permission to access the Twilio API
TVOErrorTokenAuthenticationRejected 51007Token authentication is rejected by authentication service
TVOErrorRegistrationError 31301Registration failed. Look at [error localizedFailureReason] for details


Group NameEvent NameDescriptionSince version
registrationregistrationRegistration is successful3.0.0-beta3
registration registration-errorRegistration failed3.0.0-beta3

An example of using the registration API

[TwilioVoice registerWithAccessToken:accessToken
    completion:^(NSError *error) {
        if(error != nil) {
            NSLog("Failed to register for incoming push: %@\n\t  - reason: %@", [error localizedDescription], [error localizedFailureReason]);
        } else {
            NSLog("Registration successful");

Declared In


+ unregisterWithAccessToken:deviceToken:completion:

Unregisters from Twilio VoIP push notifications.

+ (void)unregisterWithAccessToken:(nonnull NSString *)accessToken deviceToken:(nonnull NSString *)deviceToken completion:(nullable void ( ^ ) ( NSError *__nullable error ))completion



Twilio Access Token.


The push registry token for Apple VoIP Service.


Callback block to receive the result of the unregistration.


Call this method when you no longer want to receive push notifications for incoming Calls.

The identity provided in the Access Token may only contain alpha-numeric and underscore characters. Other characters, including spaces, will result in undefined behavior.

If the unregistration is successful the completion handler will contain a Null NSError. If the unregistration fails, the completion handler will have a nonnull NSError with UserInfo string describing the reason for failure.

Registration ErrorError CodeDescription
TVOErrorAccessTokenInvalidError 20101Twilio was unable to validate your Access Token
TVOErrorAccessTokenHeaderInvalidError 20102Invalid Access Token header
TVOErrorAccessTokenIssuerInvalidError 20103Invalid Access Token issuer or subject
TVOErrorAccessTokenExpiredError 20104Access Token has expired or expiration date is invalid
TVOErrorAccessTokenNotYetValidError 20105Access Token not yet valid
TVOErrorAccessTokenGrantsInvalidError 20106Invalid Access Token grants
TVOErrorExpirationTimeExceedsMaxTimeAllowedError 20157Expiration Time in the Access Token Exceeds Maximum Time Allowed
TVOErrorAccessForbiddenError 20403Forbidden. The account lacks permission to access the Twilio API
TVOErrorTokenAuthenticationRejected 51007Token authentication is rejected by authentication service
TVOErrorRegistrationError 31301Registration failed. Look at [error localizedFailureReason] for details


Group NameEvent NameDescriptionSince version
registrationunregistrationUnregistration is successful3.0.0-beta3
registrationunregistration-errorUnregistration failed3.0.0-beta3

An example of using the unregistration API

[TwilioVoice unregisterWithAccessToken:accessToken
    completion:^(NSError *error) {
        if(error != nil) {
            NSLog("Failed to unregister for incoming push: %@\n\t  - reason: %@", [error localizedDescription], [error localizedFailureReason]);
        } else {
            NSLog("Unregistration successful");

Declared In


+ handleNotification:delegate:

Processes an incoming VoIP push notification payload.

+ (BOOL)handleNotification:(nonnull NSDictionary *)payload delegate:(nonnull id<TVONotificationDelegate>)delegate



Push notification payload.


A TVONotificationDelegate to receive incoming push notification callbacks.

Return Value

A BOOL value that indicates whether the payload is a valid notification sent by Twilio.


This method will synchronously process call notification payload and call the provided delegate on the same dispatch queue.

Twilio sends two types of notifications via Apple VoIP Service, call and cancel. The notification type is encoded in the dictionary with the key twi_message_type and the values and twilio.voice.cancel.

A call notification is sent when someone wants to reach the registered identity. Passing a call notification into this method will result in a callInviteReceived: callback with a TVOCallInvite object and return YES.

A cancel notification is sent to an identity for the following reasons:

  • call made to this identity is prematurely disconnected by the caller
  • call is rejected
  • call is ignored
  • after a call is accepted. When a call is accepted, a cancel notification is sent to all the devices that have been registered with the identity accepting the call, even to the device that accepted the call. It is recommended that in this case the developer checks whether the call sid of TVOCancelledCallInvite matches the accepted call, and if so disregard it.

Passing a cancel notification into this method will result in a cancelledCallInviteReceived: callback with a TVOCancelledCallInvite object and return YES.


Group NameEvent NameDescriptionSince version
connectionincomingIncoming call notification received3.0.0-preview1

An example of using the handleNotification API

@interface CallViewController () <PKPushRegistryDelegate, TVONotificationDelegate, TVOCallDelegate, ... >

// property declarations


@implementation CallViewController

// ViewController setup and other code ...

#pragma mark - PKPushRegistryDelegate

- (void)pushRegistry:(PKPushRegistry *)registry
    didReceiveIncomingPushWithPayload:(PKPushPayload *)payload
    forType:(NSString *)type {
        NSLog(@"Received incoming push: %@", payload.dictionaryPayload);

        if ([type isEqualToString:PKPushTypeVoIP]) {
            if (![TwilioVoice handleNotification:payload.dictionaryPayload delegate:self]) {
                NSLog(@"The push notification was not a Twilio Voice push notification");

#pragma mark - TVONotificationDelegate methods

- (void)callInviteReceived:(TVOCallInvite *)callInvite {
    // handle call invite

- (void)cancelledCallInviteReceived:(TVOCancelledCallInvite *)cancelledCallInvite {
    // handle cancelled call invite


Declared In


+ connectWithAccessToken:delegate:

Make an outgoing Call.

+ (nonnull TVOCall *)connectWithAccessToken:(nonnull NSString *)accessToken delegate:(nonnull id<TVOCallDelegate>)delegate



The access token.


A TVOCallDelegate to receive Call state updates.

Return Value

A TVOCall object.


This method is guaranteed to return a TVOCall object. It’s possible for the returned Call to either succeed or fail to connect.

The identity provided in the Access Token may only contain alpha-numeric and underscore characters. Other characters, including spaces, will result in undefined behavior.

The TVOCallDelegate will receive the Call state update callbacks. The callbacks are listed here.

Callback NameDescriptionSince version
call:didFailToConnectWithError The call failed to connect. An NSError object provides details of the root cause.3.0.0-preview1
callDidStartRinging Emitted once before the callDidConnect callback when the callee is being alerted of a Call.3.0.0-preview2
callDidConnect The Call has connected.3.0.0-preview1
call:didDisconnectWithError The Call was disconnected. If the Call ends due to an error the NSError is non-null. If the call ends normally NSError is nil.3.0.0-preview1

If connect fails, call:didFailToConnectWithError or call:didDisconnectWithError callback is raised with an NSError object. [error localizedDescription], [error localizedFailureReason] and [error code] provide details of the failure.

If any authentication error occurs then the SDK will receive one of the following errors.

Authentication ErrorsError CodeDescription
TVOErrorAccessTokenInvalidError20101Twilio was unable to validate your Access Token
TVOErrorAccessTokenHeaderInvalidError20102Invalid Access Token header
TVOErrorAccessTokenIssuerInvalidError20103Invalid Access Token issuer or subject
TVOErrorAccessTokenExpiredError20104Access Token has expired or expiration date is invalid
TVOErrorAccessTokenNotYetValidError20105Access Token not yet valid
TVOErrorAccessTokenGrantsInvalidError20106Invalid Access Token grants
TVOErrorAuthFailureCodeError20151Twilio failed to authenticate the client
TVOErrorExpirationTimeExceedsMaxTimeAllowedError20157Expiration Time in the Access Token Exceeds Maximum Time Allowed
TVOErrorAccessForbiddenError20403Forbidden. The account lacks permission to access the Twilio API
TVOErrorApplicationNotFoundError21218Invalid ApplicationSid

If any connection fails because of any other error then the SDK will receive one of the following errors.

Connection ErrorsError CodeDescription
TVOErrorConnectionTimeoutError31003Connection timeout
TVOErrorConnectionError31005Connection error
TVOErrorCallCancelledError31008Call Cancelled
TVOErrorMalformedRequestError31100Malformed request
TVOErrorAuthorizationError31201Authorization error
TVOErrorMicrophoneAccessDenialError31208User denied access to microphone
TVOErrorSignalingConnectionError53000Signaling connection error
TVOErrorSignalingConnectionDisconnectedError53001Signaling connection disconnected
TVOErrorSignalingConnectionTimeoutError53002Signaling connection timed out
TVOErrorSignalingIncomingMessageInvalidError53003Client received an invalid signaling message
TVOErrorSignalingOutgoingMessageInvalidError53004Client sent an invalid signaling message
TVOErrorMediaClientLocalDescFailedError53400Client is unable to create or apply a local media description
TVOErrorMediaServerLocalDescFailedError53401Server is unable to create or apply a local media description
TVOErrorMediaClientRemoteDescFailedError53402Client is unable to apply a remote media description
TVOErrorMediaServerRemoteDescFailedError53403Server is unable to apply a remote media description
TVOErrorMediaNoSupportedCodecError53404No supported codec
TVOErrorMediaConnectionError53405Media connection failed
TVOErrorConfigurationAcquireFailedError53500Unable to acquire configuration
TVOErrorConfigurationAcquireTurnFailedError53501Unable to acquire TURN credentials


Group NameEvent NameDescriptionSince version
connectionoutgoingOutgoing call is made3.0.0-beta2

If connection fails then an error event will be published.

Group NameEvent NameDescriptionSince version
connectionerrorerror description3.0.0-beta2

An example of using the connectWithAccessToken:delegate: API

@interface CallViewController () <TVOCallDelegate, ... >

// property declarations


@implementation CallViewController

// ViewController setup and other code ...

- (void)makeCall:(NSString*)accessToken = [TwilioVoice connectWithAccessToken:accessToken delegate:self];

#pragma mark - TVOCallDelegate

- (void)callDidStartRinging:(TVOCall *)call {
    NSLog(@"Call is ringing at called party %@",;

- (void)call:(TVOCall *)call didFailToConnectWithError:(NSError *)error {
    NSLog("Failed to Connect the Call: %@\n\t  - reason: %@", [error localizedDescription], [error localizedFailureReason]);

- (void)call:(TVOCall *)call didDisconnectWithError:(NSError *)error {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Call disconnected with error: %@", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Call disconnected");

- (void)callDidConnect:(TVOCall *)call {
    NSLog(@"Call connected.");


Declared In


+ connectWithOptions:delegate:

Make an outgoing Call.

+ (nonnull TVOCall *)connectWithOptions:(nonnull TVOConnectOptions *)options delegate:(nonnull id<TVOCallDelegate>)delegate



The connect options.


A TVOCallDelegate to receive Call state updates.

Return Value

A TVOCall object.


This method is guaranteed to return a TVOCall object. It’s possible for the returned Call to either succeed or fail to connect. Use the TVOConnectOptions builder to specify Call parameters and UUID.

The TVOCallDelegate will receive the Call state update callbacks. The callbacks are same as connectWithAccessToken:delegate: API.

If connect fails, call:didFailToConnectWithError or call:didDisconnectWithError callback is raised with an NSError object. [error localizedDescription], [error localizedFailureReason] and [error code] provide details of the failure. The error codes are same as connectWithAccessToken:delegate: API.


Group NameEvent NameDescriptionSince version
connectionoutgoingOutgoing call is made3.0.0-beta2

If connection fails then an error event will be published.

Group NameEvent NameDescriptionSince version
connectionerrorerror description3.0.0-beta2

An example of using the connectWithAccessToken:delegate API

@interface CallViewController () <TVOCallDelegate, ... >

// property declarations


@implementation CallViewController

// ViewController setup and other code ...

- (void)makeCall:(NSString *)accessToken uuid:(NSString *)uuid region:(NSString *)region to:(NSString *)phoneNumber
    NSMutableDictionary *params = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

    if ([to length] > 0) {
        params[@"Mode"] = @"Voice";
        params[@"PhoneNumber"] = phoneNumber;

    TVOConnectOptions *connectOptions = [TVOConnectOptions optionsWithAccessToken:accessToken
        block:^(TVOConnectOptionsBuilder *builder) {
            builder.params = params;
            builder.uuid = uuid;
            builder.region = region;
    }]; = [TwilioVoice connectWithOptions:connectOptions delegate:self];

#pragma mark - TVOCallDelegate

- (void)callDidStartRinging:(TVOCall *)call {
    NSLog(@"Call is ringing at called party %@",;

- (void)call:(TVOCall *)call didFailToConnectWithError:(NSError *)error {
    NSLog("Failed to Connect the Call: %@\n\t  - reason: %@", [error localizedDescription], [error localizedFailureReason]);

- (void)call:(TVOCall *)call didDisconnectWithError:(NSError *)error {
    if (error) {
        NSLog(@"Call disconnected with error: %@", error);
    } else {
        NSLog(@"Call disconnected");

- (void)callDidConnect:(TVOCall *)call {
    NSLog(@"Call connected.");


Declared In
