


Name Type Attributes Default Description
accountSid string Account sid
flexFlowSid string FlexFlow sid
chatFriendlyName string <optional>
Chat friendly name passed to the rest call to `startEngagementUrl`
available boolean <optional>
Chat service availability. It sets whether to display the EntryPoint or not
logLevel 'trace' | 'debug' | 'info' | 'warn' | 'error' | 'silent' <optional>
"error" Level of details for the console debugger
context Object <optional>
Metadata that gets passed to backend about the request
colorTheme Configuration.ThemeConfigProps | Configuration.PredefinedThemeName <optional>
Property that updates the style of the webchat. Accepts a ThemeName or a ThemeConfigProps object
disableLocalStorage boolean <optional>
Whether to ignore previous chat sessions on page refresh or not
preEngagementConfig FormAttributes <optional>
Configuration object for the preEngagement form. NB to display the form, make sure to set `config.startEngagementOnInit` to false
startEngagementOnInit boolean <optional>
Whether to start directly the engagement or to display a PreEngagement form. If set to false, make sure to provide a valid `config.preEngagementConfig` object
componentProps Object <optional>
Object to customize components' defaultProps
sdkOptions Object <optional>
Object containing options for Twilio Chat SDK
chat Object <optional>
Twilio Chat SDK configuration
markdownSupport Object Config object for Chat markdown support
enabled boolean <optional>
true Whether markdown support is enabled or not

Type Definitions

"MediumTheme" | "DarkTheme" | "BlueMediumTheme" | "BlueDarkTheme"


Predefined theme


Theme configuration options
Name Type Attributes Description
baseName PredefinedThemeName <optional>
Name of the chosen baseTheme
colors CoreThemeColors <optional>
Partial CoreThemeColors object to customize color values
light boolean <optional>
A boolean value used to correctly set the contrast.
overrides Theme <optional>
Object to customize CSS styles for specific components