Sync Android SDK  1.0.2
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CErrorInfoRepresentation of a Sync Error object
 CSuccessListenerInterface for a generic listener object
 CSyncClientThis is a central entity used to work with Sync
 CConnectionStateEnum representing underlying twilsock connection state
 CLogLevelLog level constants for passing to setLogLevel
 CPropertiesSpecify properties for creating new Sync Client
 CBuilderBuilder class for client properties
 CSyncClientListenerThis interface defines SyncClient callback methods
 CSyncDocumentSyncDocument is an arbitrary JSON value
 CSyncDocumentObserverObserver for all operations on a SyncDocument
 CSyncListSyncList is an ordered sequence of arbitrary JSON objects as values
 CItemSingle item in a SyncList
 CMetadataMetadata about the item
 CQueryOptionsOptions passed while querying SyncList objects within Sync specifying query parameters and result set position and sorting
 CQueryOrderDefines collection query direction (forward or backwards item listing)
 CSyncListIteratorInterface for iterating over SyncList items retrieved using SyncList#getItems
 CSyncListObserverObserver for all operations on a SyncList
 CSyncListPaginatorInterface for paginating over SyncList items retrieved using SyncList#queryItems
 CListenerInterface for receiving async result from requestNextPage and requestPreviousPage
 CSyncMapSyncMap is a key-value store with Strings as keys and arbitrary JSON objects as values
 CItemSingle item in a SyncMap
 CQueryOptionsOptions passed while querying SyncMap objects within Sync specifying query parameters and result set position and sorting
 CQueryOrderDefines collection query direction (forward or backwards item listing)
 CSyncMapIteratorInterface for iterating over SyncMap items retrieved using SyncMap#getItems
 CSyncMapObserverObserver for all operations on a SyncMap
 CSyncMapPaginatorInterface for paginating over SyncMap items retrieved using SyncMap#queryItems
 CListenerInterface for receiving async result from requestNextPage and requestPreviousPage
 CSyncMutatorMutator is a functional object that you provide to modify entity data in a controlled manner
 CSyncOptionsSyncOptions are used to pass variable information to SyncDocument, SyncMap, SyncList and SyncStream opening functions
 CSyncStreamSyncStream is an ordered message delivery queue
 CMessageSingle message in a SyncStream
 CSyncStreamObserverObserver for all operations on a SyncStream